
How to get a tutor

why choose tutorkami?

Satisfaction Guarantee

If after the first session, you feel the tutor is not suitable or not competent, you can ask for a replacement tutor, and the first session with the previous tutor is free of charge!

Safer & Risks Covered

Tutors are required to complete all lessons agreed before payment is released to them. This will prevent cases of tutor asking payment upfront, and did not carry out the lessons later in the month

Quality Assurances

From second session onwards, if you feel your child is showing no improvement, just inform us and we will suggest a replacement tutor. You don't need to go through the hassle of searching another tutor again

Lessons Record

Tutors are required to submit the records of lessons done. You can view these records to make sure all classes are completed, based on the payment made.

Read our FAQ

our guarantee

You only start paying from the first session if you are satisfied with our tutor's performance. If you are not satisfied, you can ask for a replacement tutor, and the first session with the previous tutor is free of charge!



    Teacher Azura


    Bsc (hons) Science Physics

    About Me

    I am dedicated and decipline when it comes to student educations performance. I have experience on teaching for 1 year and it is excellent.

    Miss Farha


    Bsc in TESL with Hons, IIUM

    About Me

    A graduating degree student majoring in TESL with a minor in Instructional Technology. Equipped with a comprehensive foundation of classroom management strategies and lesson design. I am keen to acquire new experiences. Ready to offer innovative instructional techniques and a strong dedication to ...

    Ms Yaya

    Bandar Bukit Raja

    Bachelor of Business Administration (Hons.) Islamic Banking & UITM ...

    About Me

    Saya seorang yang mudah mendekati anak-anak kecil dan pandai mengawal situasi dan berupaya untuk memujuk dan memberi kata-kata semangat kepada pelajar. Saya yakin saya boleh mengajar kanak-kanak berdasarkan pengalaman saya mengajar anak-anak kecil di sekeliling saya secara tidak formal. Saya ...



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question or enquiries

Just say hi. Email us at : [email protected]